Google Maps marker

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markerA new predefined item has been added: Google Maps marker.

This allows the visitor of the form to indicate a position on a map.

If possible, the map is automatically centered on the respondents position. If there is no location information available the visitor can search by address and, if neccesary, move the marker to a more specific point on the map.

The GPS coordinates and the nearest address are automatically filled in the defined form fields. These data can be used in combination with Google’s static maps api for displaying a map or Street view image in the notification message, the autoresponder, a PDF attachment and the message after submission. By default, a static map is displayed in a copy of the completed form that contains a link to Google Maps with the coordinates.

Use it in your form

  • Add a new item to your form
  • Choose “Predefined item”
  • Choose “Google Maps marker”
  • Choose “OK”
  • Edit the item and alter the settings


View the sample that uses Google Maps marker or copy the form into your Formdesk account.


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