Import results renewed

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The import results function has been completely rewritten for stability, improved reporting and additional functionality. For example, Formdesk now also looks at certain system columns. If you provide sequential numbers and/or edit codes, these will be read in. If you provide an ID, Formdesk assumes that you want to update input results instead of adding them. Keep this in mind when importing a file obtained by making a download.

Updating input results

The most important new functionality concerns the ability to update existing results. This can be especially useful if you add an extra question that you want pre-populated or when updating lookup data. Even if you want to make certain adjustments to the results, it can be useful to first download them to Excel and from there make the adjustments which you then import again. System data such as ID, sequence number, entry date, edit code and workflow code are then retained. To update results you need to provide the result ID  (column header _fd_id). This of course also means that you can no longer include this column if you only want to add results.

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